Parental Responsibilities
A cooperative preschool is unique in that it is only as strong as the families who contribute to it, thus parent participation is important to the successful operation of this cooperative school.
A cooperative school is owned and operated by the families in attendance. Thus, we thrive on your volunteerism! You will have the opportunity to help in the classroom one or more times a month. On the days you work in the classroom your child will be the “Child of the Day” and they may bring an item for “Show and Tell”. Additionally, you will responsible for:
Assisting the teacher in the day's activities
Joining in activities with the children
Providing a healthy snack and a drink for the entire class
Cleaning up: wipe/sanitize tables, sweep floors, collect trash, vacuum
Other duties as directed by the teacher
You must find your own substitute if you are unable to work on your scheduled day.
A fee will be assessed for not attending a scheduled work day without notice or not finding a substitute.
Each family is asked to hold a “job” throughout the year to help the school run smoothly. Examples of some jobs may include:
Fundraising coordinator
Monthly newsletter editor
Photographer (one for each class)
The school board is composed of parents who have been with the school for one or more years. These positions include titles such as President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. These positions, as well as the operational jobs, are in place for the sole purpose that we are a parent administered school that is completely financed by registration, tuition fees and fundraisers.
Parents are required to attend bimonthly parent meetings. Each family is given one excused absence from parent meetings.
Additional absences will be charged a non-attendance fee.
In an effort to eliminate miscellaneous monthly fundraisers, we participate in a few fundraisers within or outside of the school (multiple dates may be required). In school fundraisers may include cookie dough orders, pizza coupons, or coffee bag orders.
While the preschool room and toys are cleaned on a daily basis, we have three sessions throughout the year where we deep clean the classroom. These sessions are referred to as “Spit & Polish” sessions. Each family will be required to sign up for one of the sessions. Spit & Polish sessions are usually held on Tuesday evenings and last for just a few hours.
There is a fee for not attending a Spit and Polish session.
When you are assigned to bring in snack, we ask that you provide a healthy snack rather than chips and candy. A list of suggested snacks can be provided if you would like ideas. Also, please be aware that we are operating in a peanut free zone, per the policy at Calvary Evangelical Lutheran Church.
You may volunteer in the classroom on or around your child’s birthday and bring a special birthday treat. Those with birthdays during the summer months may celebrate on their half birthdays. Again, please keep in mind that the classroom will be a peanut free zone.
Field trips are scheduled once a month and advance notice is given in the monthly calendar and in the teacher’s “Class News”. Attendance at field trips is not required. Parents will be responsible for their child’s transportation to and from the field trip site. A parent or guardian must accompany the child throughout the entire field trip.